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Why fresh milk tastes differently every day ?

MILK LADY PROJECT: NEWS LETTER VOL01:JAN 2018 - for better understanding of milk in India-

Why fresh milk tastes differently every day ?

A pouch milk sold in market, such as “Mother dairy” and “Amul” have almost same taste whenever & wherever you buy, while a fresh milk supplied by Milk Lady Project has different tastes every day. Are you aware of it? Do you know why?

A taste of milk is affected by its contents, most of which are commonly known as Fat and SNF (Solid-Not-Fat). In India, a standard proportion of Fat is around 3.0-4.0 % in cow milk and 5.0-6.0% in buffalo milk. Some of Indian consumers prefer “fatty” milk, as they want to make dairy products like ghee. SNF is a source of nutrition containing protein, mineral (calcium, potassium, etc), vitamins. It’s standard proportion is around 8.5% for cow milk and 9.0% for buffalo milk. The proportion of water in milk, which usually ranges 80- 90% also significantly affects the taste of milk.

The proportions of such contents in fresh milk milked from cow/buffalo vary time to time. You may know that milk becomes “thick” taste in winter comparing to summer, which is caused by change of the proportion of Fat in seasons. (i.e. Fat increases in winter)

In reality, such proportions easily change by lots of factors; what & how much animal eats & drinks (kind of grass & cereal, volume of water drunk) ? How old is she & how big her child is (age, lactation timing)? What is weather (temperature, humidity) ? what is her health condition (any sick)? Even her mood also relates the proportion. If she drinks water too much in evening, the proportion of water in milk will increase rapidly in the next morning.

Now, why pouch milk has same taste? Because it is processed in factory, standardizing the proportions of FAT and SNF by usually mixing milk powder, water (and might be some food additives). when you feel changes in taste of fresh milk supplied by the Project, it means you are drinking “God-given” natural milk without any artificial treatments.

For your further information

COATA LLP and Milk Lady Project have tested lots of the sample milk collected from the Project member families and villagers, and analyzed their Fat and SNF. The total number of sample analyzed so far reaches 215. The average of Fat in the samples is 5.6%, ranging quite widely; from 2.5% (lowest) to 12.0% (highest), while the average of SNF is 8.0%, which ranges from 5.8% (lowest) to 10.1% (highest). This result shows that fresh milk produced in the Project area is better quality than standard pouch milk in Fat, and less in SNF. According to the observation by COATA LLP, that is partly caused by fodder to animals. It is very difficult for villagers to get good and sufficient fodder, as agricultural land is limited in the area, particularly for the poor families targeted by the Project.

Apart from the test above, the Project member have checked the milk from the group members with using lactometer which can see density of milk every day. That prevents from adulteration such as water and ensures quality of fresh milk to customers.

Milk Lady Project has been trying its best to collect and deliver fresh milk to you every day as it is milked in the morning.

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