Veterinary Camp in Milk Lady Project
As same as in other area of rural India, the yield of milk per animals in the project area is quite low comparing to the world standard. The average yield is 6.2 litres/animal/day and 1,375 litres/animal/year, which is only one sixth of those in U.S.A.
In order to improve the current status, Milk Lady Project organized a veterinary camp at Chatrapur Nyak village on February 4th 2017. Three animal experts including veterinarian from SONA Farm, one of the prominent commercial farm in Kashipur, were invited to this camp. They diagnosed animals and provided villagers with lectures regarding basic knowledge and technique on animal health and fodder.
The experts explained that one of the typical causes for low yield in rural India is a worm in digestive organ of animal. Although such worm does not directly affect quality of milk, e.g. fat, nutriment including protein, calcium etc, and so, a milk is harmless for drinking, a yield of milk goes down because the worm absorbs nutriment in fodder which animal eats. So, regular inspection of worm and deworming are highly recommended, which can be done with reasonable cost.
The experts also suggested a proper position in feeding. When animal eats fodder, and its head is positioned lower than 8 inch from ground, saliva comes out naturally in its mouse which promotes better digestion. Currently, however, lots of villagers feed at higher position than that.
What presented in the lecture including the two above are mostly cost-less and practical which can be managed even by marginal villagers. 10 families joining to the project took participated in this camp. The project tries to promote these techniques to be practiced by the villagers to improve their yield of milk, which contributes to stable income generation and better life in the project area.